New organisational structure facilitates collaboration and improves outcomes

The Client: State Enforcement Agency

A state enforcement agency gains wide support and commitment for change, despite a challenging start.

The situation

Our client, a prominent state enforcement agency, had identified the potential for two of its disparate but key business areas to work together to better achieve the agency’s key outcomes.

A previous attempt by the agency to get the two business areas to work together had failed to produce desired outcomes; work silos remained despite the best intent of stakeholders.

The challenge

Having gained Executive commitment, undergone change and failed to generate sought-after benefits, our client was facing the prospect of abandoning its strategy; however, the Executive was convinced it could work.

With employees losing confidence in the approach, the agency engaged Grosvenor to conduct a structural review and design an approach for making the strategy a success.

The project

Grosvenor’s immediate priority was to better understand the stakeholders who would be affected and the sought after benefits from the new strategy.

Having profiled stakeholders and identified potential barriers to success, Grosvenor designed a new structure for the two business areas, testing the structure with stakeholders and making amendments to reflect concerns and address feedback.

The consultative approach Grosvenor took was essential to gaining buy-in. Once broad agreement on the new structure was reached, a detailed change management and stakeholder communication plan was developed to ensure the implementation of the strategy over the short, medium and long term was carried out appropriately.


Grosvenor’s approach enabled the Executive to gain broad support for change, despite the challenging start. Our client had a plan for change, including an approach to ensuring stakeholders continued to remain committed to the change, through effective stakeholder communication and engagement. The new structure was implemented in full, and intended benefits have started to be realised.

The agency’s Executive provided Grosvenor with the following feedback on our performance in a post project debrief:

“The team spent time to fully understand the problem & outcomes desired. Their understanding of the problem, context and operational environment was a very important component of this project’s success.

 They inspired belief, confidence and an ability to succeed”.