Evaluation of 7 programs all lapsing at the same time
When it rains it pours – with 7 evaluations at once
The Situation
Our Victorian Government client had seven programs lapsing at the same time, which all needed to be evaluated within a two-month timeframe to provide input into our client’s budget bid process.
The seven programs collectively comprised a significant proportion of our client’s Group program funding and activity at the time.
Grosvenor was engaged to conduct the evaluation of all seven programs and bring efficiencies as the one evaluation provider conducting all seven evaluations. The scope included the confirmation of the evaluation scope for each of the seven programs, and a literature review and consultations for each.
The Approach
To achieve this Grosvenor:
- conducted the due diligence – through requesting and analysing available desktop data and documents for each program, including performance metrics, and closing knowledge gaps when identified in collaboration with the project team
- conducted the consultations – every peak body in the state was engaged through at least one method, either via a one-on-one interview, workshop with a group of like peak bodies, participation in an online survey or the provision of written submissions. All of the feedback was assessed and synthesised to draw out the themes
- answered the agreed key evaluation questions – the desktop and quantitative program performance data was assessed for each program individually. Once the program-level analysis was complete, Grosvenor also conducted a meta-analysis to consider the key evaluation questions across the entirety of the seven programs, which produced additional insights regarding our client’s approach to engaging with its stakeholders broadly which would not have been gained otherwise
- prepared and delivered the evaluation reports – a draft and the final version of the evaluation report for each of the seven lapsing programs was prepared and delivered to our client’s satisfaction, in line with DTF’s requirements for lapsing program evaluation reports. Grosvenor also prepared and delivered a brief macro-analysis report spanning the seven programs and providing broader insights to our client.
We had a tight and focused team to ensure our team was across all the detail of the seven programs and to meet our client’s timeframes, which we did.
Client’s reaction
At the end of the project, our client was very pleased with the quality and depth of insight of the final deliverables, and we presented our evaluation findings to our client’s executive who were similarly pleased with the practicality of our recommendations for their situation and context.
Is it pouring in your organisation? Contact us for help hello@grosvenor.com.au