Creating a
public sector

We Specialise In

Strategy & Governance
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Program Evaluation
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Capability & Culture
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Service Delivery Improvement
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Advanced Analytics
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Published Reports

Project NameClientLink
Capability review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety CommissionAged Care Quality and Safety CommissionCapability review ACQSC
Early Needs Recovery Program Local Land ServicesNSW GovernmentProject and Program Management
Safer Together – Bushfire Risk Reduction Program EvaluationVictorian GovernmentSafer Together evaluation
Evaluation of the Business Support Grant and Small Business Hardship SchemeACT GovernmentBusiness Support Grand and Small Business Hardship Scheme Evaluation
Evaluation of the GME Premier’s PriorityNSW Government Customer ServiceGovernment Made Easy Evaluation
Rural R&D for Profit EvaluationDepartment of Agriculture and Water Resources (Cwth)Procurement Resourcing and Sourcing Services
Northern Hospice Feasibility StudyDepartment of Health and Human ServicesNorthern Hospice Feasibility Study
Victorian Veterans' StudyPremier and CabinetVictorian Veterans' Study
Note - report is available at the bottom of the page
An analysis of the use and effectiveness of the Australian Government's green lease schedulesDepartment of the Environment and EnergyGreen Lease Schedules Evaluation
Evaluation of the Safeguard Administration ProgramIPART
Digital Survey Plans ReviewOffice of the Registrar GeneralDigital Survey Plans Review
(Final Report)

Case Studies

Designing a governance framework for a new public sector program

Grosvenor developed a practical Probity & Governance framework including guidelines that addressed three essential elements of good governance for the Commonwealth Government Department.

Helping improve a Regulator’s culture through a collaborative structural review

An organisation divided is an organisation that is not focused on its purpose and delivering value to the taxpayer. Worse, it is at risk of not meeting its legislative obligations because so much energy is consumed in internal power struggles, rather than to the task at hand. Grosvenor conducted consultations with all team members to gain evidence for the review and clear the air from legacy frustrations. This started the process of building commitment to a new vision for the organisation.

Understanding the priorities of our Victorian veterans

Grosvenor delivered the Victorian veterans’ sector review to the Victorian Veterans Council (supported by the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet) to provide a current assessment of the Victorian veterans’ sector, and inform the Council’s strategic planning for the future.

Insights & Resources

Six tips to help you adapt to the new program management environment

Regardless of whether you’ve just inherited a program, established something new or are trying to work out where your program fits in this new environment, we’re here to help you break it down.

Six tips to understanding and measuring policy impact

While we’d argue that there has been a marked improvement in the measurement of program and service impacts, challenges still remain when it comes to policy. How to effectively measure the impacts of policy work is a challenging question being faced by evaluators and performance management experts.

Making the most of your community voice

It is no secret that social programs are all about the community – whether designing, delivering or evaluating a program we’re all working to improve the lives of, or outcomes for, populations in a particular area or sector. In recognition of this, it is critical that the views of program stakeholders are captured at all stages of the program lifecycle.

Your Corporate Plan is important, but so are your Business Plans!

Divisional and Branch level Business Plans are not currently a regulatory requirement within the Commonwealth, but this does not mean that they are not important. Such plans are critical to tell an organisations complete and sound performance story.