Grosvenor Public Sector Advisory

Public Sector Advisory

Creating a proud, passionate & purposeful public sector

"Ensuring your portfolio is aligned with organisational goals and strategies"
  • Strategy & Governance
  • Program Evaluation
  • Capability & Culture
  • Service Delivery Improvement
  • Advanced Analytics
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Grosvenor Property Advisory

Property Advisory

Specialist management consulting for property owners and occupiers

"Best practice property function and team"
  • Team Structure & Capability
  • Portfolio & Strategy
  • Contracts & Procurement
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Grosvenor Procurement Advisory

Procurement Advisory

Procurement driven
performance improvement

"The right suppliers, contracts and management structures"
  • High Stakes Procurement
  • Procurement Transformation
  • Procurement Systems
  • Process Improvement
  • Contract Management
  • Cost Control and Reduction
  • Supplier Leadership
  • Spend Analysis SPAT
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Do the following challenges sound familiar?

  • Requiring help with strategy development
  • Needing to better understand how your program is performing
  • Not having an engaging corporate plan
  • Wanting to have a better handle on the capability of your workforce
  • Unsure where to begin with change management
  • At a loss with how to make sense of your data
  • Needing to reduce space and consolidate sites in the post-COVID world
  • Unsure how to go about reducing property costs
  • Questioning whether you have the right team and skills for the job
  • Struggling with too many service contracts and no way of managing performance
  • Dealing with a lack of visibility on property performance and unclear on what to measure
  • Requiring help understanding whether a long-term property strategy is needed, and if so, how to develop one
  • Struggling with a lack of expertise in buying complex services
  • Being forced to procure within unreasonable timeframes
  • Dealing with complicated, time consuming, error-heavy procurement processes
  • Questioning whether your team have the strong procurement capabilities required now and in the future
  • Continually dealing with under-performing contractors and suppliers
  • Needing higher quality procurement data to allow meaningful spend analysis

We help organisations

  • Conduct thorough program evaluations
  • Develop corporate plans that tell your story
  • Build a workforce plan
  • Develop effective strategies
  • Measure and monitor performance
  • Create Program plans
  • Guide program implementation
  • Review your workforce capabilities
  • Develop workflow and business process modelling
  • Design team structures & Future of Work
  • Review property structure and teams to target improvements
  • Assess current management capability and develop plans to fill the gaps
  • Determine what you need to do in house and what you should contract out
  • Assess contract performance and develop contract management strategies
  • Develop and implement market engagement strategies for outsourcing
  • Develop and implement market engagement strategies for contracting
  • Reduce costs through our specialist property procurement capabilities
  • Develop accommodation strategies and business cases
  • Develop asset plans and strategies that align to business goals and manage compliance
  • Review property data and management systems to improve visibility and reporting
  • Analyse quickly where they stand in terms of procurement capability, systems and gaps to best practice
  • Align the procurement function so that it delivers business objectives
  • Identify which categories present the most likely cost savings and bang for buck
  • Find the space to think strategically and add real value to your business
  • Improve existing procurement systems
  • Guide teams when selecting and implementing new procurement systems
  • Fix existing dysfunctional contracts and relationships with suppliers
  • Elevate the standing of the role of procurement within the organisation
  • Gain confidence and access deep expertise to tackle high stakes procurement in any category
  • Implement better practice contract and performance frameworks

Case Studies

Public Sector Advisory

Evaluation of 7 programs all lapsing at the same time

Grosvenor was engaged to conduct the evaluation of all seven programs and bring efficiencies as the one evaluation provider conducting all seven evaluations.

Property Advisory

How a client-centric approach led to winning 3 successive bids

Rather than just refreshing the contract and rolling out the project three times, we engaged broadly and deeply, quickly and efficiently, to see how it could be refined to produce additional benefits.

contract health check
Procurement Advisory

Contract Health Check for Health

This State Government Branch identified a need to strengthen it's contract management capabilities including activities such as improving existing contract management plans, clarification of roles and responsibilities, standardising processes and, in general terms, aligning with better practice.

Peter Macfarlane | Director

Have a property question?

Peter is a director of Grosvenor and leads the Property Advisory practice. With over 25 years’ experience in property and management consulting, he is one of the most experienced property advisors in Australia.

Knowing which option to pursue is sometimes the easy part. Being able to get your strategy or project over the line and implementing it well, is often where the real work begins "
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Dr Stefan Gassner | Managing Director

Have a complex problem that you just cannot solve? Or simply just lack the resources to complete your project?

Dr Stefan Gassner is a driven leader with ten years’ experience in supply chain, procurement and commercial management, including internationally.

Modern day procurement teams are in a unique position to become trusted internal advisors delivering visible and tangible results well beyond just the realm of cost savings and tender processes. "
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photo Dana Cross | Associate Director

Have a public sector question?

Dana is a public sector expert, possessing over a decade of deep experience advising Government organisations on program evaluation, organisational review, optimisation and procurement projects.

At the end of the day, I see my role as moving obstacles out of the way to make life easier for my clients. That's what I love about the public service! "
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